Task and todo lists

Create todo lists and manage your tasks in Notesnook with ease using task lists.

Adding a title to the task list

When you add a task list to a note, a header is added on top of each task list. You can add a title to the task list.

Add a heading to the todo list in notes editor

Sort completed tasks in task list

Sort completed tasks at the bottom of task list by clicking on the Sort completed task icon button on the task list header.

Clear completed tasks from task list

Clear completed task items by clicking on the Clear completed task button button on the task list header.

Moving task items with drag and drop

You can move task items and change the order by drag and drop using the drag handle at the start of each task item.

Move todo item with drag and drop

Adding a subtask to a parent task

Notesnook supports unlimited subtasks under a single task item.

  1. Move selection to the end of the parent task item
  2. Press Enter to create a new task item
  3. Press Tab to indent it into a sub task
  1. Move selection to the end of the parent task item
  2. Press Enter to create a new task item
  3. Tap on the Indent tool button in the toolbar to indent it into a sub task

Subtasks support the following features:

  1. Completing a parent task will automatically complete all the sub tasks and vice versa.
  2. You can select multiple sub tasks & mark them as completed/uncompleted together